Dr. Renat Sukhov serves as Clinical Associate Professor and Associate Medical Director of Pediatric Rehabilitation Service at Rusk Rehabilitation. He specializes in pediatric rehabilitation medicine with medical expertise also in the areas of spasticity therapy, acupuncture, hand rehabilitation, musculoskeletal disorders, swallowing disorders, neuromuscular rehabilitation, and concussion. In this interview, Dr. Sukhov discusses the challenges and opportunities of integrative medicine as well as treating patients who require complex care.
Steven Flanagan, MD is Professor and Chairman of Rehabilitation Medicine and Medical Director of Rusk Rehabilitation. His specialty is brain injury. In his first interview, Dr. Flanagan provided tremendous insights into a number of critical topics in rehabilitation medicine and the broader health domain including healthcare reform, early mobilization in critical care, increasing quality and decreasing costs, access to care, international training/education, and treating medically complex patients. In this episode, Dr. Flanagan once again provides a first-hand look at several key areas including strategies for healthcare leaders to deal with consolidation, big data, electronic health records, postgraduate training, comparative effectiveness research, and best practices from the international domain.
John R. Corcoran, MS, PhD is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Rusk Rehabilitation where he specializes in rehabilitation and pain management. He serves as the Site Director for Rehabilitation Therapy Services and is a Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities Medical Rehabilitation Surveyor who surveys rehabilitation hospitals both nationally and internationally. He also has a faculty appointment with the American Physical Therapy Association and teaches Health Policy and Administration in the Leadership in Physical Therapy's Program LAMP Leadership division. In this interview, Dr. Corcoran discusses various team approaches for pain management to minimize length of stay and to avoid hospitalization, as well as the importance of early mobilization in intensive care settings.
Dr. Jung Ahn serves as Associate Medical Director of Rusk Institute, Clinical Director & Inpatient Director of Rusk Institute, and Rehabilitation Medicine Service Chief at NYU Langone Medical Center. He is a graduate of Catholic University Medical College in Seoul, Korea. His Rehabilitation Medicine Residency training occurred at NYU Langone Medical Center where he also had a Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Fellowship. In this interview, Dr. Ahn reviews treatment for patients who have suffered from a spinal cord injury and the relationship between etiology and functional outcomes in cases of transverse myelitis.
Maneshka Perera is a Senior Occupational Therapist at Rusk Rehabilitation. She has worked with individuals with spinal cord injuries for the past six years and currently serves on the Executive Board of Directors for the New York Chapter of the Spinal Cord Injury Association. She has helped to cultivate a manual intervention that was developed by a physical therapy colleague to address trunk weakness in neurological patients, and is working towards integrating the technique into the occupational therapy scope of practice. She also has co-authored a publication in OT Advance for occupational therapy practitioners, highlighting and introducing the technique and its ability to have an impact on activities of daily living. In this interview, Maneshka discusses successful efforts in treating patients who experience trunk weakness resulting from their injury. She also describes how teaching patients and their caregivers to incorporate the spinal mobility technique along with other resistive, aerobic and pulmonary exercises based on each individual’s level of injury is critical to success.