Dr. Marilyn Moffat is a Full Professor of Physical Therapy at NYU, where she directs both the professional doctoral program (DPT) and the post-professional graduate master's degree program in pathokinesiology. She is immediate Past-President of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy and she coordinated efforts to develop international guidelines for physical therapist educational programs and standards of physical therapy practice around the world. She completed a six-year term as the President of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) in 1997 during which time she was instrumental in the development of both the “Guide to Physical Therapist Practice” and the “Normative Model for Physical Therapist Education.” She has taught and provided consultation services in countries all over the globe. Her many publications include two books for the lay audience and a four-book series for physical therapy clinicians and students. She has received numerous national and international awards, including the Rusk Rehabilitation Ambassador Award in 2015 and also has had various honors named after her. Her physical therapy certificate, master’s degree, and PhD are from New York University. In this interview, Dr. Moffat discusses the human movement system and the degree to which physical therapy has adopted and integrated it in the three areas of practice, education, and research.