In Part 1 of a two-segment presentation, Dr. Kim discussed historical and legal background for medical cannabis and cannabis in general; mechanism of action; applications for pain and symptom management; the science behind cannabis for cancer care; relative safety issues; contraindications and monitoring; and some public health concerns. She defined cannabis, marijuana, hemp, and indicated various code names for recreational marijuana. Marijuana was criminalized and removed from the U.S. Pharmacopeia in 1941, Most recently, some states have legalized it both medically and recreationally. For medical purposes, there is a lot of variation in what states will allow. A concern has been about the presence of contaminants in many products. Based on current research, the science and the evidence are not where they could be ideally. She discussed marijuana and how it works, mentioning the endocannabinoid system. Different ways exist to act on that system. She described the entourage effect and how it functions.